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Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

Above you see (some of) Ingela's gifts for Mothers Day 2011.
The greenhouse got finished around noon today and we celebrated it in there with a glass of bubbly.
The cake has a story of its own. Some weeks ago we were watching the Swedish version of "Master Chef" and that cake was one of tests in the semifinals and I (silly me...) opened my big mouth and said something like "that doesn't seem so complicated, I'll make you one for Mother's Day..."
Well... it's a Schwarzwald Cake (Black Forest Cake) or at least a Swedish version and it wasn't that easy...
But it was yummy anyhow although I'm certainly not anything close to a Master Chef. :)

It has been a warm and sunny day,  Ingela's mother visited us, we grilled salmon and vegetables and enjoyed my cake as a dessert.
Hope you are all well out there!


alegni said...


Hans said...


Vallypee said...

Your greenhouse is beautiful, Hans! What an elegant design...much nicer than the functional constructions you usually see. Really pretty. And..I see you are a man of talents. Well done for make a Black Forest gateau for Ingela. It looks scrumptious.

Vallypee said...

What about a June post, Hans?

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