Solar - Terrestrial Data

Sunday, October 23, 2011

No. 3

This is my masterpiece no. 3:

A Very Cherry Chocolate Cake I made for my birthday today.
Yum! It is the kind of cake that makes you gain a few pounds only by reading the recipe. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another cold morning

The weather has been really nice here the last few days, but the temperature drops down to several degrees below freezing point at night, so all the plants and trees are withdrawing into hibernation now.
But the frost gives nature a nice touch at sunrise.
The bright yellow and otherwise coloured spots are not hot pixels in my D90, they are miniature suns in the frost particles.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bye,bye vegetables

The vegetable growing season is definitely over today.
The thermometer stopped at -1.5 C at 2m. above ground this morning and the vegetables in our garden got literally frosted.

Very crispy and crunchy stuff I'd say... :)

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Wood, autumn flowers and a lifesign

Finally I've found some idle (LOL) time to create some input to this slowly expiring blog...
Below you will find one of the reasons for me being absent:

One evening Ingela came home and told me that our friends in another part of this village were cutting down some trees in their backyard and had promised them that we will take care of the trunks to use the wood in our fireplace. Well, these trunks turned out to be some 65 cm. (2 feet +) in diameter and there were plenty of them!
In the picture you see just a few of them but when they all were piled up aginst my garage wall, the pile was abut 1.5 m (5 feet) high and 4 m. (13 feet) long. Each piece was cut down to1.2 m long (4 feet) to fit across my trailer.
It was working most every evening and many weekends for five weeks to cut them to size and chop them into a neat pile of wood containing approx. 4 cu m. which will keep us warm at least one and a half winter.

The autumn has been rather warm, only a few outbreaks of frost, I was collecting the furniture away from our backyard yesterday, emptied the greenhouse from the tomato &c plants and water barrels. All is now set for the winter to come.
Much to my surprise I found some flowers at the southern wall of the greenhouse, a Musk-Mallow and a Garden Strawberry are obviously thinking that it is still summer, the later still trying to produce more berries!

On the front side of the house there is a still very healthy Water Avens:

And our lawn is invaded by Fieldfares, pulling worms out of the lawn:

The picture above is shot through three layers of glass, through a window, but still usable. I have traded in my Nikon D3000 for a used Nikon D90 and found a bargain Tamron 70-300 mm zoom-lens, the most of the pictures above are taken using that combination, edited and ehanched using Photoscape, the best free photo-editing sofware there is according to my opinion.
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