Solar - Terrestrial Data

Friday, August 06, 2010

Back in the salt mines...

...since last Monday. A few days at work and you feel like you need another vacation immediately!
I will round off my vacation pics here with me on top of my shed, finishing the new roof:

In Björköby there is a local museum located in an old house where you can have a look at old traditional furniture, tools and clothes etc. and in the old barn there is a motor, vehicles and machines museum showing all kinds of old boat engines, motorcycles, mopeds etc. and suddenly there, in the midst of the old boat engines, there is a manual petrol (gas) pump that once was used at the local shop. That pump, once used for two-stroke petrol, gave me some nice flashbacks of my teenage years:


There were two of those pumps - one for 4% mixture and one for 5%. The shop closed at 1 PM on Saturdays and one of the ladies behind the counter was a grumpy "old girl" and did not like young moped and motor cycle riders much... She had a habit of rolling in those pumps back into the storage at about 15 minutes to 1 PM and lock the doors. Of course we then showed up at 10 minutes to 1 to fill up our mopeds and motorbikes for the weekend... :D

And of course some mandatory pictures of sunsets and the rising moon:

Have a nice weekend everybody, we are going to our summer house because the weather forecast is OK and there will be faint winds so I can do a little fishing.


verna said...

En sån pump fanns också i Ingelas moffas Shell förr i världen. Bilden väcker gamla minnen då jag pumpande för allt jag var värd!

Hans said...

Jo, Ingela har berättat för mig att det fanns likadana där.
Damen i berättelsen pumpade i ilskan så att dett mesta i mätglaset bara blev till fradga... :)
Vi brukade hänga uppe opå backen vid banken eller på planen framför UF-lokalen tills vi såg att hon rullade in pumparna och stängde förrådet. Sedan började vi dyka upp för att tanka. Usch vad vi var retsamma...!

Vallypee said...

Hans, your 'mandatory pics are fab!!! And that pump...! Do you know we have one still in service here in Sas van Gent. I recently got mt Vespa filled from it. Great, hey?

grace said...

Enjoyed the memory of the gas pump.
these photos of the moon and sunsets are stunning. Hope you had some good fishing in.

Hans said...

Hi Val and Grace,
I thought those "mobile" pumps were a thing from the past, haven't seen them here for decades. If you need two-stroke gas you have to mix it yuorself or drive to the marina where there is a pump for two-stroke.
I need two-stroke gas for my chainsaws and brush-saw. The outboard engine for our little boat is a four-stroke one.
The fishing was really good. A lot of Baltic Sea perch. Some we smoked, some we cooked and a lot went into the freezer.

Dale said...

I want your camera. lol

Stupendous photos - especially the one with the golden lining.

Your post reminds me a bit of a childrens' song I know:
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea...
There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea...
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea...

How was the fishing?

Hans said...

Hi Dale,
Sorry, those pictures are shot with Ingelas' camera so you can't have it! :)
The photo of the sunset with the golden lining just appeared before our very eyes while driving home late one evening, that cloud developed so fast we couldn't stop and search for a place to park the car, I just grabbed the camera and started shooting through the windscreen while we drove down the road at 50 Mph.

The fishing was good.

Vallypee said...

Hi Hans, hope you are all well there in Vaaa. The summer here is definitely showing signs of being over but maybe that's because we've had so much rain lately. Unbelievably torrents of the stuff.

I'm hoping for a beautiful September now...:)

Love to ingela and the boys. xx

Hans said...

Hi Val,
Everything is OK except I've got a cold last weekend :(
Ian went back to school two weeks ago and immediately picked up some new germs that infected him, then Ingela and now me.
The summer is definitely over here, the temperature was close to zero Celcius here this morning. September is usually OK here and there are signs of slightly warmer weather for next week!

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