Solar - Terrestrial Data

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The long and winding road...

...back home from London:
We could of course have gone straight from W to Y but we had to go via X because our cars were parked there at the Tampere International airport.
We travelled 3000 km (1873 miles)back home in 82 hours.
The vehicles used were, starting in London: taxi, ferry, bus, train, taxi, train, ferry, bus, ferry, train, taxi, own car. One night spent in a hotel in Lille, about 7 hrs. Effective travel speed including waiting for trains etc was then 40 km/h or 25 mph. :)


grace said...

Wow, that is one amazing journey to get back home......

Hans said...

"Amazing Journey" is spot on!

grace said...

I thought it an appropriate term :)

E.L. Wisty said...

That's what I call an amazing journey indeed! I was thinking that the volcano must have reminded plenty of people what travelling was like in the old world before airplanes. This is what it was like, long, slow!

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