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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Today 92 years ago...

...Finland declared its autonomy in the wake of the Russian revolution. Lenin had his hands full with the creation of the new Soviet Union and could not let Finland disturb his plans. He thought that once the Finns have calmed down and returned to normal, he will orchestrate a Finnish revolution with the help of the Russian solders that were still in Finland and reconnect it to the USSR, but that attempt came to a tragical end in the spring of 1918.
That is why we are flying the flag this day, December 6.


StrandviksVillan said...

Tackar för hälsningen!
Jag har nog kikat in här då och då ;)

Visst får vi vara tacksamma för att vi kan fira självständighetsdag! Det är hemskt med krig, min morfar var med i vinterkriget, endast sjutton år gammal.

Hoppas ni haft en fin dag och att glöggen smakade :)
Trevligt att du gillar vårt hem!

StrandviksVillan said...

Hmmm... jag började fundera nu efteråt att kanske det var frun som kommenterade men råkade vara inloggad på ditt namn?
Nåja, ingen skillnad för mig :)

Hans said...

Hej Strandviksvillan,
jo det var nog frun som kommenterade utan att märka att det var jag som var inloggad på Blogger :)

grace said...

Lennä vapauslippusi

Hans said...

Thank You Grace!

Vallypee said...

Gefeliciteerd!! Okay, I'm really sorry I'm late in celebrating this momentous day. In fact I had no idea about this piece of history. I wish I had more time to read about all this. So much world, so much history.

I'm glad for all those who came after that independence was maintained.

Hans said...

Hi Val,
Finland is something that the vast majority of the people in the world nows nothing about.
It is such a small country and only some 5 millions living here.
We are all grateful for our autonomy, it has not exactly been a walk in the park to live next door to Russia/USSR.

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