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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bruce Springsteen

Rocked Helsinki last Friday and we were there in the very front row... Errr... second or third row to be more exact. Ingela managed to shoot some nice pictures with the small camera we purchased for the Who show one year ago.

The setlist was a massive 31 pieces including lots of wishes from the audience including "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" (in the middle of July ??) and the show lasted for over three hours! The Boss was in good form and he really is the Real Duracell-Rabbit of Rock and Roll, windmilling even more than Good Old Pete !
He keeps going and going and going where I (exactly one month younger) would have fainted hours ago.

I just wanna hear some rhythm
I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices

And that is exactly what we got. Not a thousand guitars but brilliant guitar duels between Nils Lofgren, The Boss and Little Steven and maybe not a million voices but at least some 42000 + the E-Street Band


alegni said...

it was grrrrrreat!

Hans said...

Great is the word!

grace said...

I bet it was Fantastic!! I can only imagine, and what great seats too. Nothing like a Bruce concert. I am having withdrawals from when I saw him in April.

nice pictures.

Hans said...

Grace, what's with all you women and mr Springsteen...? Ingela has withdrawals too it seems :)

E.L. Wisty said...

It sounds like it was a show that intended to deliver pure rock'n'roll that brings down the house, and deliver it did!

As for withdrawals from Bruce, I couldn't comment about that, not having had the experience. :-)

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