Solar - Terrestrial Data

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Winter update

Hello everybody from this frozen over hell called Finland. Blogger Val asked me regarding my last put if it has got any better now, the answer is no.
Its is worse...
Since Sunday we have got som 10 inches of snow combined with a hard northern wind yesterday and today that made the snow pile up, up to my eyebrows in places as you can see from the picture of our backyard this evening:

My car trailer parked alongside our woodshed is somewere inside the pile of snow below:
The temperature today is only a moderate -6 C but tomorrow it will drop down to -15 C again.


grace said...

Holy moly you guys are getting pounded with cold and snow. I too was wondering if it was better. sorry it is not.

stay warm

Dale said...

That does look cold, Hans! But what lovely hues of blue I see in those drifts!
We have not had snow in over 2 months, but it is snowing in the peaks today. It is rather spring-like here in the valley - as in 5 degrees C with a strong south wind heralding the precipitation.
I know what it's like waiting for the warmth of spring after a long cold winter. One longs to get out and stretch their limbs in the sunshine.
We can always dream...

Hans said...

Finally we got a thaw that lasted for two days and the snow cover shrunk at least 10 cm.
The sun is shining today but temperature is now firmly below the freezing point again.
That blue hue is kinda exaggerated because of my camera settings, white balance a little off and saturation tweaked to the max! But it is exactly how I wanted it to be. :) Cold..

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