Solar - Terrestrial Data

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Urban Bear

This picture I nicked from the website of our local newsletter at and you can see a bear carreering down the middle of the road heading towards downtown Vasa.
This incident happened yesterday morning when I was biking in to work. Just outside the site where my office is located I saw a lot of police cars running up and down the road, lights flashing, and I thought they were looking for some bank robbers or jailbirds on the run.
When I entered the office I was asked if I had seen any bear coming towards me because they had heard on the radio that a bear was heading down the same bikers lane I use and heading towards the city center!
It seems that te bear had already went past the junction where I enter the very same lane and some 45 mins. later we heard a report that the bear was shot and killed and the "bear-crisis" was over.
The bear had been spotted early in the morning at the outskirts of the city where it had destroyed some beehives and eaten some twenty pounds of honey and thus refreshed it seemingly headed for the market square downtown to get some more :)
When it got dangerously close to a kindergarten and a hospital the police was called in to turn it around but the stubborn guy had set his mind for the city center and that was a big no-no.
Sorry 'bout that mr. Bear!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Music Must Change

Well, we have had Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Industrial Rock etc. but now it's time for Chainsaw Rock!
Lukas traded in the SG- clone for a Jonsered CS2137 and it sounded... awful!
To much distortion and smoke for my taste.

Anyway, the spring has not really sprung here yet though things looked promising at the end of April and the beginning of May but then we had a backlash. Then it looked promising again around Mothers day but that very afternoon temperature plunged from +21 centigrades to 13 centigrades in one hour and has dropped down to below 10 the rest of the week. We have had frost every night and last night it went down to -6 degrees! Global Warming, my arse...
Yesterday they had 5 inches of snow in Sweden at the same latitudes as here. I hope we won't have snow because then I would get seriously depressed.
No relief in the next ten days according to the Global Forecast System predictions for Europe.
But the UK seems to have had the best spring weather in many years. Aaargghh!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Away from home

This weekend we skipped the work in the woods, we located the kids elsewhere and my wife and I went to see our old bloggerfriends down in the archipelago in the southwest, they live in a place called Nagu (fi: Nauvo) where they have dismantled an old log house, relocated it to a new site and rebuilt it carefully and with good taste. You will find more pictures at Ingelas blog

Above you see the marina in Nagu

Here above is the old church. You don't see many churches of stone up at our latitudes but here in "the wealthy south" they are common.

This is typical Finnish humour, the name of the local store is "Nagu Korv och Spik" (fi: Nauvon Nakki ja Naula) which means "Nagu Sausage and Nails" in english. The name refers to the versatility of their operations.
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